I'm pretty sure I just had the longest day/night/day of my life....

Thanks to studying for organic chemistry all week for a test I was supposed to have yesterday, I only had time to study for my general physiology test last night. That meant that I started studying around 9:30 after I got back from work last night until 2:00 in the morning. I slept for 3 1/2 hours and then got back up at 5:30 a.m. to study some more. There was breakfast at 7:30 and the test at 8:00. Went back to bed around 10:00 until 11:30, then got up for my flute lesson at 12:00. I stayed awake until after my flute choir rehearsal, which ended around 4:30, and then came back to my bed again and didn't get up until after 7:30....

I feel really lazy, but at least I'm finally feeling a little more refreshed!

So far since I got up, I fixed a bowl of cereal, worked on my website for my computer class, and now I'm about to start working on chemistry again. My goal is to finish all of the stuff that I need to do by Sunday night. That includes chemistry, my website (maybe - it's not due yet), and learning our next chapter of physiology (we're supposed to be teaching each other in class on Monday because our professor won't be there). Ready, set, go!


P.S. - I'd like to try one of these 30 day projects once I'm more caught up on everything. I've never done one before, so I'm looking around for something to try. :)
