A Little Snippet

Hello all!

I've been pretty busy the past few days!  A day spent by myself with Orion, camping and horseback riding with two really good friends, and finally getting a real saddle (treeless!)!  Tomorrow I'm spending a day with my two best friends and moving back to school, and classes start on Wednesday.

I'm going to write it all up and post it little by little over the course of this week, but for now, here's a little snippet of what I've been working on.

There are a few rough spots, but I think overall you'll agree that Orion has made a lot of progress with lunging!  He's finally started trotting for me on command without putting up a stubborn fight.  This video was from today, but he was consistent Thursday and today with his behavior.  I'm soooo excited and proud of him!

More on this subject and everything else later! :)

(Oh, and P.S. - what do you think of the new header that Carly over at Live On made for me?  She also has a recent post that will tell you a little more about what I did yesterday!)
