Christmas Break
Hello blog world!
I’ve been absent as of late. What can I say? I’ve
been enjoying my break. Thanks to
weather and babysitting (but mainly weather), I haven’t been out to the barn
very much at all. L
My days have consisted of making sure my
little brothers are fed and not killing each other (they’re ages 7 and 11),
catching up on the TV shows I never have time to watch at school, and reading
like crazy. I’m on my third book since I
got out of school almost two weeks ago. I have a whole list to get through. J
Did anyone get any fun/interesting Christmas
gifts this Christmas? I’m most excited about this one:
My mom got me a Nook tablet. I already have an HP Touchpad that I bought off of her on Thanksgiving break, but this tablet has features that my touchpad doesn’t. And the touchpad has features that Nook doesn’t. So between the two, I pretty much have everything a computer has. I’m happy. J And yes, I realize how spoiled I am. :P
My touchpad will probably be used for
school/work things, while my Nook will be more for entertainment (reading,
Netflix, etc.). I love them both!
So tell me, what were your favorite gifts or memories from Christmas this year?
my favourite gift was money :D so i am one step closer to my dream! and some horseyyy things