Making A Comeback

Hey all!

I hope everyone out there is doing well! It's been so long since I've been able to sit down and truly blog. I thought I was going to be able to start last summer (I look at the last post, from July 2015, and shake my head in disappointment), but instead life threw me a few curveballs that I didn't see coming, and all extra time kinda went out the window. I had internet access but not much time to put anything together, and for a long while I had some things going on in my life that were a constant source of negativity that in part made it impossible for me to write anything of value that would have been tasteful to post. 

Now though, things finally seem to be going right again - they've been starting to for a few months, but now we've got a really good feeling that everything we've been working toward the last couple months is going to come to fruition.

It might take me a few weeks to really get going (I'll be moving into a new place sometime within the next month), but I plan to start updating on all slices of my life again soon!  There are a lot of new things to share, and I'm super excited to start writing again!


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