Ugh, missed a day!
I had this one all drafted up in my mind but didn't get a chance to write it yesterday....long day at work + handing out water at the Barbour County Fair parade + coming home to find a giant hole in the upstairs of my house (Darryl was replacing a window I thought wasn't being replaced until next week) + having company over to help with said window = zero time to sit down and write!
So, anyway, I spent the weekend mostly reading and working in my yard. It was a gorgeous weekend. I planted some flowers that I'm hoping we might be able to enjoy for the last half of the summer. We'll see how they do this late, but from what I've been told, a lot of people's gardens have come out late this year, so it might be okay.
My sunflower last night |
The view when I got home this evening - notice the new window upstairs! |
It's open! The others are still growing, but as fast as they're moving, they won't be far behind. |
I put
Miracle Gro on my plants for the first time. I think it actually might have already stimulated some of the smaller ones to grow...probably the bigger plants too, but the smaller ones are much more obvious. I had some pepper plants that for whatever reason just stopped growing for a while.
I created a new flower bed in the backyard and have plans to make 3 1/2 more. Some of them may not have much of anything planted in them this year, but I want to have more room for more vegetables next year. I squished a lot into the existing beds and still didn't have room for everything I wanted!
These were given to us by one of Darryl's coworkers. They were each in one of the containers you see to the right. Now they're this big! |
We have a very small back yard and not much of a front yard at all, so I have to work with what I have. Darryl hates having to be careful about accidentally mowing things he's not supposed to over, so that's why I want to make so many more beds. They'll be easier for me to maintain, and he will have a clearer idea of what can or can't be cut. He thinks of basically everything as a weed unless he's told otherwise. lol Once things grow bigger, it's more obvious, but if he comes across something while it's still small, it's a goner unless he already knows what it is.
Anyone have any idea what this flower is? I'm thinking heather, but I'm not sure. It was given to me, and it's going to be planted in it's own little flower bed this week (once I create the flower bed). It's supposed to multiply like crazy. |

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