My First Blog
So I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing...but I guess I should start out with the basics. My

The rest of my "support group", so to speak, consists of my friends, the two best of which are Annie and
Chelsea, and my amazing boyfriend, Ethan. I've known Annie since we were around 10; I met Chelsea a couple years later. Ethan came along just 3 years ago, and we've been dating for going on two-and-a-half years now.
I don't know what on Earth I would ever do without any of these people in my life. They have shaped me into the person I am today, and I don't think they did a half bad job!

Some of the hobbies that I do almost daily are reading and cross-stitch. To most people it probably seems like my days (at least when I’m not working or at school) are pretty boring. I love the stuff that I do though. I’ve been reading ever since I was little, and I learned cross-stitch when I was about ten. My dad’s wife taught me. I was all about it when I first learned; when I try to learn something new, I’m all about getting it right – and I was determined to get everything just so. lol After a while, the newness of it wore off. I got good at it, but like most little kids I got distracted and moved on to something else. It’s only been in the past couple of years that I’ve gotten back into it. It’s not hard at all, but it’s kind of soothing (at least to me) to be doing something that’s easy (truthfully, it can be kind of mindless at times, but when you’ve been studying for six hours straight, that’s a welcome reprieve). It’s cool to see the picture you’re sewing into the fabric take shape before you. I’ve done about three cross-stitch “projects” this summer so far…I took a break for a few weeks, but now I’m starting to get that urge to start a new one! I think I'll go look into that now....
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