News! News! Read All About It!

So, taking a short break from the TV show posts...

Goodbye for now, A-B!

I got a new job!  As of 2 days ago, you are reading the words of C.J. Maggie's newest host/server!  I'm still waiting to hear back from some of the other jobs I interviewed for, but I'm just so happy/excited/relieved to have picked up something to bring money in so quickly after finishing up my last shift (for now) at Sodexo.  I was really starting to internally panic about my financial situation, as it relies on bringing in money each week so that I can make all of my bill payments, which I have spaced out a certain strategic way throughout the month so I'm not bleeding myself dry all at once.  With the move coming up and all of the expense of that plus the expense of commuting from my current town to the one I'm moving to and my new job is in, money was a big worry.

I've trained as a host for three shifts, three days in a row, and I got to fly solo on that today.  It's easy.  I like it.  Tonight I go back in for my second shift of the day to start training as a server.

I have about half of my stuff moved out of my apartment, not counting the furniture that still needs to go.  No room in storage for all of that, so it will have to go once we actually can start moving into our new place.  Right now I'm just trying to get whatever I don't need out with each trip that I have to make to the new/old town, so that I don't have to make as many longer trips once we get the place.  I'm trying to streamline it all so that it's not quite so stressful.  This way, I can pack up the furniture and the present necessities and go to the new house when it's time, and I can move the stuff from storage in as I need it, rather than do it all in one day and completely and totally exhaust myself.

So that's the plan for right now!  I'm really excited.  It's a lot of work, but it's happening.  Keep your fingers crossed that everything stays according to plan!

This is how Leo deals with the heat this summer.


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