Autumn is Almost Here!
Is anyone else excited for fall yet? I've been loving this cooler weather in the mornings and being able to wear my pull overs a little bit now. I was really excited when the weather warmed up earlier this year, and while I'm not excited for the later prospect of snow, I'm SUPER excited for some cooler weather! (Don't ask Darryl's opinion on this or you'll likely get a 10-minute rant on how cold is evil.)
In light of cooler weather, I've also started making some cold weather stuff when I'm crocheting. I started on a pair of wrist warmers last weekend, and while this pair is going to be for my mom (late part of her birthday present), they're super easy to make, and I plan to make a few more of them that will hopefully sell.
Last year, hats were my big thing at the very end of the year. This year, I really haven't sold all that much. Granted, I've been focused on a lot of other things, so I haven't been "marketing" on social media very much, and that obviously doesn't help. Instead, when crocheting, I've been trying new things, new patterns, new types of products, so I can maybe expand and get a little more variety going.
I was asked at a family reunion in August if I could make a trivet (basically a hot pad, for those like me who didn't know what a trivet was) for a teapot. I tried a few different patterns before finally finding one I really liked that was suitable for what she wanted, and this was the result:
Isn't it cool? It's called wiggly crochet, and I got the pattern from this blog:
I'm going to sell them for $10. They're super thick, and a lot of yarn goes into them, so $10 is right on point for money spent on materials x3 (the commonly used formula I use to price all of my products - and actually, that's rounded down a little from what the product of that formula actually is, so it's a good deal!)
I also have a few scarves and hats left from last year that I can sell right now if anyone is interested. Messy bun beanies, criss cross hats, my scarves (pattern entirely my own, which I'm really proud of!)....and I'll be adding to those collections over the next month or two. I have a bunch of Red Heart yarn I need to use up and get out of my office so I can sell the products made from it and make money to buy more yarn! I try not to buy much unless I've been selling too (tight budget over here), and as previously mentioned, selling hasn't been a big priority this year up until this fall.
I'll post more as I get more done and take updated pictures of what I have here! Happy almost fall, everyone!
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