Magnolia Stay - Writing Challenge, Day 10

Well I just fell down the vacation dream hole....

It's a fairly well-known fact, I think, that I am a homebody.  I like socializing occasionally and going out to do things occasionally, but all in all, I'd rather be at home, hanging out with Darryl and the fur-kids, reading, watching TV, cooking, working on my garden, taking pictures, writing (here lately anyway) get the picture.  My idea of a good time is pretty tame.  So when I think about vacations, I do think about getting outside of my comfort zone a little, but that honestly doesn't take much to do.  

However, when I opened my email Monday morning, I found an email from Magnolia Market titled "Hillcrest House and Magnolia House are open for booking 8/22!".  When I opened it up and saw the pictures, I had to check out the link for curiosity's sake.  Annnd I fell down the vacation dream hole.  

I'm a big fan of Fixer Upper. I started working my way through the seasons on Hulu last year.  I have probably a season and a half left to get through before I've seen them all (I would've finished it by now, but I watched it so much that I sort of burnt myself out, then got hooked on other things, and just haven't gone back to it yet).  I watched the episode a long time ago when they fixed up the little cottage they bought in McGregor, but I didn't know about the Hillcrest Estate.  I started looking through pictures and mentally drooling over them, and then had to pull myself away.

Ugh, maybe one day!  There's too much work to be done around here before we could afford to travel that far, but that could be a viable vacation choice sometime years in the future...

What do you think?  Has anyone reading this ever been to any of the Gaines' vacation spots?
