Fitness Plan

So, I have failed miserably at my exercise goals that I set a few weeks ago. I don’t feel that badly about it though, because I have for the most part been doing other things that are productive. And while not entirely comfortable with my body, I am more so than I was at that time.

This doesn’t mean I don’t think I need to become more fit. I definitely do. But I think all the writing I’ve been doing and the focus I’ve had on completing other goals has helped my overall outlook, too. In a lot of areas, I feel more confident than I did.

This isn’t to say that confidence couldn’t all come crashing back down. It definitely could, and has before. But I’m just trying to keep it going and ride it as long as I can. I’m trying to limit my focus to a couple things at a time outside of my normal day-to-day routine, instead of trying to do everything at once and setting myself up for failure.

I knew I was probably doing it at the time, but I definitely set myself up for failure with how many workouts I scheduled. I don’t have the time or energy at the current time to do 2 workouts a day, 6 days a week, even if 1 or both of them are short. I’m not sure why I thought I could even entertain that idea. 

So I think, from here, I’ll restart my plan today, and only commit to the 3 workouts a week that FitOn gives me. And now that Tank has a good, bulldog-functioning harness (I love that lol), I might throw in some more walks with he and Kam. 

And from here, we’ll see how it goes this time!
