He's doing great! At the end of last week, I went out and practiced longeing with him. Found out pretty quickly that a lot of the problems I have with him bolting and generally freaking out are due to the lunge whip. He's never had a bad experience with one that I know of, but he hates the sound of it. I've noticed it before, but this time, he bolted across the paddock and didn't calm down for a good five minutes or more, the whole time of which, he was running around like a madman and nearly tried to jump the fence into the field. At that point, Chels decided to put Kit back into the field for the day for everyone's safety so that we could really focus on figuring Orion's weirdness out.
After he had calmed down, I started him again, this time with the longe whip safely in the barn. I just used voice, body language, and the line itself to motivate him and direct him. It was pretty frustrating at times, but by the end he was responding better and moving pretty smoothly. We ended it on a good note, he got a good scratch and brushing and some grain, and everyone was happy.
Today had it's own issues, but he responded better to just using the line and seemed to understand better some of the different signals I had started trying to use the last session in lieu of not having a whip to use.
I'm currently uploading videos from tonight, so I'll talk a little more about that tomorrow when I post them.
Blue and Gray Reunion
...Was fun. :) I got to see some of my friends from school and spend time with my family. Of course it was fun!
Here are some pictures I took and edited with Instagram while I was there:
My grandpa and uncle - Like father, like son. :) |
Confederate soldiers |
Union soldiers |
Grandma's Birthday Photos
We celebrated my grandma's birthday with her in her nursing home on Saturday after the reenactment. She's been doing so well compared to what the doctors had originally said she would do after her initial stroke before my freshmen year of college. It was one of the hardest things I've ever experienced, seeing her go through what she did, but she had persevered. She'll never be like she was or get to come home, but I'm thankful for every day that we have left with her and for how well she has progressed against all odds.
Uncle Bobby |
Bobby and his awesome girlfriend, Steph. |
Grandma and Grandpa |
Dad |
It's been going pretty well! I got some cute pictures while we were outside yesterday, so instead of talking about things that probably wouldn't be that interesting to anyone outside the family (sorry guys!), I'll just post those. :)
Target practice with his bow. :) |
Our huge tree in the middle of the back yard - one of the reasons my mom wanted our house. |
Snack time! |
Hunter decided my chair was his, too. |
Such great pictures of the Blue and Gray and your family :D Hope your summer continues to go well <3