Dr. Kellon's Study

Well, I finally took the plunge and applied for Dr. Kellon's study on DSLD and am hoping to start getting Orion supplements.  I know that this recent flare up is most definitely due in part to the mud and his hooves being too long at the moment, but I've been wanting to get him started on this for a long time now, so I just submitted the form.  Part of my issue was money, but the larger part was that I knew before that I couldn't get out there to give him the supplements every day like it needed to be and did not want to lay that onto whoever was boarding him.  It's not fair to them, and I prefer to be in charge of it just so that I know for sure what he is getting and how often and how that is effecting him, etc. etc.

So now if we get approved for the study and can start on the J-herb and AAKG, we will see what happens when that is paired with me keeping his hooves trimmed to where they should be and everything else that goes with his upkeep on my part.  I am anxious to find out how this goes.  I hate seeing him in pain and want to prevent that as much as I can.  This disease sucks, but we will fight it.

Read more about Dr. Kellon's study here: 
